Madeline's Life Journey ♥


Sweet 23 | UiTM KS | Pisces

You can't change the past, but you can ruin the future by neglecting the present.

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Friday, September 7, 2018 | 0 Comments
Well, hello there. This is will be my 1st post for this semester as student Part 6. Huhuhuhu. This semester gonna be tough than I can imagine & I struggle so hard at the 1st week. As usual, 1st week, NO ESCAPING CLASSES! Common Part 6 kot, bila lagi nak berubah kalau selalu ponteng kelas. 

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I feel so lonely this semester because many of my friends going to their internship & not same classes. Only code TMC (Mandarin) actually not same classes. I struggle so much to catch up others because next & next week PUBLIC HOLIDAY. Oh my God. It's not that I clearly understand Mandarin but totally forgotten full sentences of it! 😭 I do understand basic but hmmmmm I hate when it comes to group work of 4.💆 Loashi had told that we didnt have much time to study because one week we only having one session of class! And it's every Monday dude. Every Monday which is next & next week gonna be no classes due Public Holiday . I can feel the pressure already & I didnt have any group members yet! I was asking politely to the admin of whatsapp group & even write my name to add me to the group but until now they totally forgotten about me! Oh Lorddddddd....I was about to message loashi but ended up too shy to ask madam. Hmmmmmmm. That's the problem when deal with someone you didn't familiar to . Hey, I didnt make muka sombong okay. I smile brightly & even asking with the most soft voice I ever had . Lols. And walahhh, laoshi gave us 5 pages exercise book to write in Hanzi (Mandarin character) & you know what I didn't start to write at all. 👀 *Just kidding, I will do my homework by tomorrow.😇

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It's like I will cringe as f* with the ONE & only girlfriend that I had through this semester. Haha. Be prepared ,gf .😉 I hope we can make this things work together! 🙏🙏🙏 Yea obviously if u see me around in campus , there's would be her. Hahaha. (Macam belangkas) Noooo now I can imagine how super lonely I will go through next semester. 😩😩😩😩😩😩 Currently I took 5 subjects total & only 2 subjects will have final exam. Fight for 3.00 Madeline!! Chaiyok!! But I dont know why 1st week got me lazy~~ as f! 😓😓 

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Also I couldnt understand subject Research (ASM601) ! What the heck! I cant catch up everything what madam said. I need to work 200 times harder than usual. Menyesal biar dahulu, jangan kemudian! U know when U too comfortable in your zone, U will freaking far at behind. What U can do is to minimize activities/hobbies use to make u easily lazy (especially makan - tidur , makan - lepak) I dont know this 1st week I went to mall,shops by myself. Not because I didnt have any friends but I want some peace. Yea maklumlah sebulan tinggal kat Kapit , sana mana ada sushi king, wayang, etc. Melepas gian kononnya HAHA. Ehhhhh 1st week bersuka-suka dulu lepas 2nd week NO MORE HONEYMOON !!

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I think that's all from now. Kuching weather's freaking hot tonight. Bye-bye.✌❤