Madeline's Life Journey ♥


Sweet 23 | UiTM KS | Pisces

You can't change the past, but you can ruin the future by neglecting the present.

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Miracle does happen..THANK YOU, GOD & I'M BLESSED!
Friday, February 15, 2019 | 0 Comments
Hye, what's up? It's been a long time I didn't post anything & of course I DESPERATELY want to share my joyful moment for today's date. I'm gonna remember it forever and ever! Without further a due, let's begin the exciting news I want to share. I'm very exciting!!

1155PM, 14 February 2019

5 more minutes countdown for final exams result (September 2018-January 2019).
As usual Valentine's Day without a date/bf. While everyone happily having dinner with their beloved, & here I'm waiting with anxious, can't sit still & stare my hand-phone for longer period because my final results finally come out!!  I received 98 unread messages WhatsApp group from my girls  & I told them what I feel & decided to turn off my Internet connection for awhile. I had a moment with God that I leave my worries, negative thinking & my sins. That moment I'm pretty sure I want a miracle happen to me on 2019 & THANK YOU GOD it is does happen!!!

I jumped out from my bed & crying , rushing walk to my parents room & showed to them my results. They are half sleep & half awake congratulated me. I couldn't help but hugged them tightly, gratitude to them for gave me 200% support in my studies. 

I was so down last semester because my pointer doesn't really help me at all so I couldn't take many subjects. I was so stressed , angry & one time I spoke cruel words towards my friends & course-mates. I'm truly sorry & didn't mean to it. 

There is one subject that really stressful me out & I couldn't believe the subject resulted B in my final exam which is ASM601 (Research Methods). THANK YOU, GOD. THANK YOU, madam. I feel very pressured that I couldn't have proper time to eat, and even doesn't have time to go gym last semester. The hardest time when I had to far apart from my best friends. I knew we have time to spend on weekends but it feels not the same like before. December last year is the very first time NO CHRISTMAS for me & I freaking missed my parents & home so much. I cried so badly & try motivated myself to give my all best because final exam due so soon & I had to stay Kuching.

I didn't receive any gift for Christmas & Valentine's Day but I gave this gift to my parents. THIS IS TRULY BEST GIFT I EVER GAVE TO THEM in my entire degree life. 3.07 CGPA (1A 4B)  is the BEST achievement I did so far. I couldn't help but thank to God & my lecturers for gave me another CHANCE to survive next semester. I'm so proud of myself. *back pat*

This is not my last stop & I promise that will continue to growth more better than last semester. I have less that 9 months to finish my degree & wish me all the best! Congratulations to those my BFF who had finished their degree also others UiTM-ians. This is probably my NEW JOURNEY to continue to success & wish u all the best to the next level. Until next time, bye. 

“Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever. That surrender, even the smallest act of giving up, stays with me. So when I feel like quitting, I ask myself, which would I rather live with?” ― Lance Armstrong