Madeline's Life Journey β™₯


Sweet 23 | UiTM KS | Pisces

You can't change the past, but you can ruin the future by neglecting the present.

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Result Exam?
Thursday, August 16, 2018 | 0 Comments
Tepat masa 12pm, check e-mail menanti Salam. Salam? Salam UiTM which means keputusan peperiksaan akhir sesi Mac-Julai 2018. What can I say..THANK YOU GOD. Lulus semua but still need a lot of improvement. Nampak gayanya next target untuk next semester is STUDY HARD. Aku mengakui semester ni a bit luangkan lebih masa untuk fetching service. And even sacrifice last minute masa study. OHMYGOD. And that it's, result nyawa-nyawa ikan. UiTM students know the struggle how hard to make killer subject at least C+ . Kalau dah C- so bye-bye. Adios. Sayonara πŸ‘‹
Kenapa? Sebab aku ni MALAS. Ada keinginan nak belajar tapi..........masa dalam kelas fokus & lepas tu take 5 , ilmu-ilmu tersebut lenyap sekelip mata. πŸ˜‚ Yea..yea...I know..& I regret so much about that. Take things so granted. Common girl, bila nak habis? Bila lagi nak internship? Bila lagi nak graduate ON TIME? Bila lagi? Sekarang ni aku taip post dengan penuh rasa marah dengan diri sebab tidak mengambil serious. You can blame me. It served me right. Tapi dalam marah/kecewa dengan keputusan exam ni, I learned from my mistakes. Aku still keluar, reward myself by grab a bubble tea at Chickenlicious. No need to be so dramatic. Smile, enjoy the life & most importantly learn from what had done. 😊

I admitted little bit jealous tgok result kawan2..and yea..because they are struggling while I'm playing. Oh no...rasa nak start nangisπŸ˜‚ Well I'm stop right here for now. I know I'm strong enough & I will NEVER stop what I've started. Chaiyok Madeline. I know I can do it. That's okay I still have time to make a new start. Congratulations to all UiTM students for passed with flying colors. You're deserved it. 😘

*Oh ya I think I stop doing fetching service for this semester. I need to completely focus on my studies. ITS TIME TO WAKE UP GIRL...πŸ™Œ